The benefits of exercise - Ivanhoe physiotherapy

To launch our much anticipated blog and education hub, Director & Senior Physiotherapist, Ben, has put together a very exciting blog series: The benefits of exercise!

An overview of the our topics;  

  1. The benefits of exercise: a general overview

  2. Exercise and joint health: Can it help with Osteoarthritis?

  3. Exercise and your muscles and tendons: Can strength training repair torn muscles and painful tendons?

  4. Exercise and longevity: Why is it important for a quality long life?

  5. Exercise and your brain: Can it keep your mind sharp?

  6. Exercise and your heart: How can exercise help manage your heart condition?

  7. Exercise and sports performance: How can you increase your strength and performance?

  8. Post surgical ACL reconstruction rehab: Why is it important?

  9. How can exercise help with your lower back pain?

  10. How much and how often should you exercise?

  11. Strength training: Why is it important for all ages?

  12. Strength training 2: How should you do it and what are the outcomes?

  13. Cardiovascular fitness: how much and what are the benefits?

  14. Anaerobic (HIIT) Vs Aerobic training: What’s the difference?

  15. Exercise and what is your body capable of? Age is no limit!

  16. Building a resilient body and brain: Physiologically and mentally

  17. What are the benefits of cold exposure? And how often should you cold plunge to get the benefits?

  18. What are the benefits of sauna? And how often should you use it and at what temperature?

  19. What are the benefits of meditation? How to get started and what is the practice really all about?

  20. What should you expect from a quality physiotherapy consultation?

Make sure you subscribe to our mailing list to have our latest news, updates and posts delivered straight to you inbox.


Three benefits of exercise - physiotherapy heidelberg


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