Knee and Hip
Osteoarthritis Treatment

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what is osteoarthritis?

  • Osteoarthritis is a disease of the whole joint, it can affect the joint cartilage as well as the ligaments, muscles and tissue surrounding the joint.

  • It is a widely common joint disease among the Australian population

  • It may make going up and down stairs, or in and out of chairs difficult and painful

how can osteoarthritis affect you?

  • There are effective treatments available for osteoarthritis sufferers, such as the GLA:D program, which is a structured exercise program to decrease pain and improve the strength of your joints.

  • Patients often report reduced quality of life, pain in the morning or after activity, joint stiffness and loss of range of motion, swelling, inflammation of the joint and a reduced ability to perform daily tasks such as getting in/out of a chair or going up or down stairs.

  • This is why strength training and exercise are so important. It can maintain or improve your function on daily activities as well as reducing your pain.

Find out about the GLA:D program for knee and hip osteoarthritis at Evolution Physiotherapy and Performance

what next?

Reduce your pain now and find out more by booking an initial assessment with an experienced physio.

Or give us a call on 03 9020 3900

OSTEOARTHRITIS TREATMENT at evo physio in ivanhoe

Significant reduction in symptom progression

Significant reduction in pain levels

Increased quality of life

Decreased usage of pain medications

Why TREAT the evo way?

osteoarthritis pain, osteoarthritis treatment ivanhoe, GLA:D program, knee pain, hip pain, physio for knee pain, physio for hip pain, physio near me, physiotherapy near me

Treatment plans are design specific for knee and hip osteoarthritis patients

Education and exercise program

Initial assessment where we thoroughly assess your injury

Supportive community and therapists to keep you motivated

Highly experienced and knowledgeable staff

Modern equipment and appropriate instruction

Follow up questionnaire

General advice for on health & wellbeing

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GLA:D Program

Good Life with osteoarthritis: Denmark (GLA:D®) is an education and exercise program targeted at people with knee and hip osteoarthritis.